The exam season is upon us. Many of those sitting the exams will be experiencing an increase in stress levels as they are to be tested on their learnings over the past few years.

Here are some practical tips from college student, Emily Morris, about how to reduce exam stress:


Find a revision method that works for YOU, everyone is unique and different methods work for different people. Ensure you consistently revise to avoid the stress of being unprepared. Prioritise and focus on the topics you find challenging, but make sure you still go over the topics you are confident with, at some point.


Find a time and place when you are at your most productive, whether that is in the morning or at night, in the library or in a café. Everyone is different so what works for your friend may not work for you, so don’t be afraid to say no to revision sessions especially if you get distracted around others. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t meet up with your peers and revise together as it can actually motivate you to get work done. It’s about finding what works best for you.


Through exam season it is vital to relax and have time to yourself away from revision. Don’t feel bad for having an evening off or for taking some time to yourself. Doing exams doesn’t mean you have to revise or have your head in a book 24/7, it is very useful to meet up with your friends and have a break as long as you manage your time properly.


Make sure you are eating a balanced diet although those energy boosting snacks including chocolate and coffee seem really tempting you will soon have an energy crash which will affect your productivity. Eating slower, energy releasing energy foods will help through those long revision days. On top of that make sure you have a filling breakfast before an exam to make sure you have the energy to do your best.

Don’t cram

It is very important you don’t try and revise straight before the exam as this will only increase your stress levels as you realise you didn’t remember that particular date or name. If you have revised and done all you can to prepare for the exam then you can only do your best which leads to the next point…


Take deep breathes and do your best as that’s all you can do.

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